Life with the Shirley Family

Life with the Shirley Family

Friday, August 21, 2009

If only...

If only things could stay the same! It is so sad to see your children grow up too fast! Nathan is now in 3rd grade, wanting to pretend he doesn't like shows like "Super Why" and only watch shows like "Zack and Cody", but at least he does not like girls yet! (Maybe with more super why and less Z & C we can keep him like that a little longer!) At the lake house, Nathan's playmates were either the big guys or the 5 yr old girls! The girls apparently like him (just to play with!), but although Nathan was very sweet to them, he still is only tolerating "girls"! Yeah!

What is really strange to think of, though, is what if he grew up and dated some girl he knows now. I moved so often when I was younger that the option of dating a person I grew up with was not there, but assuming we stay here, it could happen with my kids! A very funny thought! Better keep lots of good pictures of Nathan and Camden and all their "girl friends" to use at their weddings!

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