Life with the Shirley Family

Life with the Shirley Family

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Nathan's testimony

My sister gave me this plaque for Christmas and it is so appropriate this year because all of our children have accepted Christ as their Savior.  I know there is still a lot of discipleship and teaching ahead of us, but the most important step is complete.
Nathan referenced this in his Upward testimony last week, on January 12.  I was unable to hear it because of coaching duties, but was very happy to have found where he had written it out.  Here is what he said:
"When I was 5 years old, I accepted Jesus as my Savior on January12, 2006.  It is in my top two favorite days of my life.  My parents explained confession, repentance and a lot of other things to use in the future and right then.  But on December 11, 2012, was the best day of my life.  I got to lead my little brother, Camden, to Christ.  I was surprised he asked me and not Mom or Dad.  I didn't know he looked up to me that much.  I encourage all big brothers and sisters to be the best role models they can be.  It can define a little siblings eternal destination."


  1. What a great testimony! I'm gonna have to let Hannah read this. I know y'all are so proud of him. I'm proud of him as his fake uncle. Lol
