Life with the Shirley Family

Life with the Shirley Family

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Girls, ugh!

Well, today Nathan educated me on the phases of a boy's life: first they don't like girls at all; then they like girls a little; then they like girls a lot; then they date girls; then they get married. He then told me that he has entered the 2nd phase and likes 2 different girls a little! Great!! So I now have a son who likes girls a little; has been asked by 3 different girls to be their boyfriend; and has younger girls giggling that he looks cute in his glasses! What kind of mess am I in?!?! Then he tells me that he is going to date in middle school! My reply to that was no you are not! I am not ready for this!

And then there is Camden! After chasing a cute little redhead girl around the church tonight, I am told that he kisses her! On the altar of all places! And in the car he not only points to his lips when he thinks I ask him where he kissed, but when I ask who he kissed, he says in his sweet voice, "Ella Kate".

What am I going to do?!?!

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