Life with the Shirley Family

Life with the Shirley Family

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A good weekend for a run!!


This weekend was the Bridge Run in Charleston and I got over it this year!!  My friend, Kelly, and I have been practicing running the bridge most every week since August.  We also ran a half marathon in the meantime.  But the bridge was our goal today.  And to finish in less than 60 minutes.  Well, we did it.  Of course Kelly finished before me, but I finished in 58 minutes, 47 seconds!  That is the fastest I have ever run a 10K. 
I timed myself and haven't deleted the time yet!!

Mom was able to take my picture as I FLEW by!?!?  I am the girl in the green shirt in front of the pink shirt girl.  I had been keeping track of my time throughout the race to make sure I was on target, but had been getting discouraged about it because I did not see the 5 mile sign and I thought I was really slowing down!  But when I saw the 6 mile sign, I knew I could do it.  But I did miss seeing my mom and boys while I was rounding the corner.
On Friday was the kids' bridge run; although is was not at the bridge, but at Hampton Park.  Nathan was planning on running the mile and Camden the 1/4 mile.  But when the race was starting, I figured out that all kids were running the mile.  Well I couldn't let Camden run by himself, so I had to run the mile with him in my jeans!  Nathan started well ahead of us and was finished by the time we started (the race was in a loop), but Camden also did a great job.  He ran the whole way and ran fast.  I tried to get him to stop so I could use the bathroom, but he said that he had to keep running!  It was a crazy, chaotic day at the park...about 2000 kids were running!   
Pre-race picture with the crazy hats!

Nathan rode and fell off of the bull!

Grammie with her boys

Camden running the obstacle course
Camden trying out yoga for his pre-run stretch

Camden with his medal after finishing the mile!  He really earned it!

The wiener-mobile...took this picture for Shannon!!
So this was our running weekend...and it was a beautiful weekend for it.  I love Charleston weather!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your time - that's awesome!! What's your next race?

    I love that you thought of me when you saw the wiener-mobile. Wonder how many of my other friends think of me too when they see it :)

    and i REALLY miss Charleston weather.
