Life with the Shirley Family

Life with the Shirley Family

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Vacation Tuesday

On Tuesday of our vacation we headed to Capitol Hill!  We had an appointment to tour the Capitol at 10:10, but we were late because we had to eat all of our food that was in our backpacks before we could enter.  This was the only place to ask this of us, thank goodness!  We proceeded to a long line of people and were given headphones.  The kids thought this was cool.  Our tour guide could talk to us through them, however, we could not talk back.  Camden and Josiah didn't know this though, and when she was asking if we could hear her, they "spoke" into their battery packs, "Yes!"

Ready to tour the Capitol

Yes I can hear you!!

Amy beside one of Alabama's statue's-Helen Keller

A model of the statue on top of the Capitol-the actual size

After finishing our tour, we then headed to Mark Sanford's office to get passes to go to the House chambers.  Nothing was in session since it was the week of the fourth.  Maybe that was a good thing so that we wouldn't get too upset and yell at the Congressmen for passing dumb legislation :)
Lunch in the Capitol was followed by an underground walk to the Library of Congress.  It is a beautiful library!  Wish the West Ashley library had been renovated like this :)

Camden found his favorite new book character!
Our next stop was the Supreme Court.  We were able to go inside the court, but no court in session. 

We couldn't take pictures inside the court room, but I was able to take one from outside :)
Good thing Nathan didn't push Taft over on us...we might have been kicked out!

The dizzying spiral staircase that we weren't allowed to walk on
The next stop was a joke for Jennifer...a visit to the Taft Memorial.  Not to President Taft, but his son.  Who?!?!  Can just anyone get a memorial in DC?!?!
Our last stop before parting ways for the evening was Union Station.  The upstairs was really nice, however, the food court left a lot to be desired.  



Union Station

We were a little tired after all the walking!
We then parted ways.  Dave and Rob took the older kids to the Nationals baseball game in which they lost to the Brewers.  Nathan was happy about this because he is a Braves fan.  He even wore his Braves stuff to the game and almost got kicked out by the Nationals Mascot!!  The rest of us went back to the hotel for swimming.  It was an overall fun day; but very long for the baseball gamers!

Tomorrow is going to come early...

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