Life with the Shirley Family

Life with the Shirley Family

Monday, August 5, 2019

One more day before we get back to Charleston!

Our last day before we arrived home was a long 16 hour layover in Fort Lauderdale!  We landed in FL at 4:45 AM, but since customs doesn't open until 5:00, we had to stay on the plane until then.  Getting through customs didn't take too long, and we were picked up by the hotel shuttle soon after we got our bags. When we arrived, all tired and ready for bed, we were told that we couldn't check in until 3 PM!  Due to some miscommunication about when we were arriving and the fact that there was a water main break nearby and many people were staying in hotels, there were no rooms available for us to use until 3!  Most of the youth were asleep on the couches in the lobby by this point.  But because of the calm and non-argumentative manner of our leaders, we were able to leave that hotel and go to another nearby that had 4 rooms available!  With breakfast included!  My plan was to shower, eat breakfast, and then sleep!  Nathan went straight to his room and didn't move until 4!  I slept until 2 and then headed to the treadmill.  I was determined to keep my feet from swelling from too much travel inactivity....and I needed exercise minutes to meet the goal my watch gave me for July!  Yes, my watch tends to tell me what to do!

After running and another shower, I was ready for lunch around 3:30.  Most people were headed to IHOP around 4 or 4:30, but I went out to find a local restaurant; and I did!  I found Grampa's after standing in line at Jaxson's and asking the locals for recommendations.  (These were both places I could see from my hotel room.)  I was told the food was good at Grampa's, but Jaxson's was known for their ice cream.

Back at Grampa's, I noticed that this place had been on Diner, Drive-ins, and Dives.  So I was extra excited to try it!

My meal came with a salad, and with the bread came a sticky bun.  I have to say that just the salad and the pastry were totally satisfying.  It was almost like hearing the Hallelujah chorus in my head as I started to eat!  Well, it was only a salad and a sticky bun, but they were heavenly.  And I was extra hungry!  And the entrée was very tasty too!

Good ole seafood!

I called Nathan and he joined me for lunch after I had finished eating.  He enjoyed his lunch too, and I got a sticky bun to go!

After we ate, we went to Jaxson's for ice cream.  Alexia joined us.  Jaxson's is known for their kitchen sink ice cream sundae.  They serve it in a kitchen sink bowl and a minimum of 4 people have to order it at $14.50/person.  I wouldn't have wanted that, but it would have been cool to see other people eat it!!  We got milkshakes and ice cream, and then headed back to the hotel.

Our flight was delayed until 10:25.  We had been warned that this flight was often delayed and sometimes canceled.  We were all hoping that this would be the only delay!  Tony gathered us one more time for our family time in the hotel lobby.  As we were talking about the trip, two women in the lobby were listening.  When Tony asked us if we had anything to say, one of the women said that she did.  She told us that she was blessed by us.  The women then joined our group for the rest of family time.  It seemed as if God had delayed our flight in order for these women to hear and talk and pray with us.  

Raul read us a letter from Florensia, the man with lives beside the Shimpis church with his family.  He told us how much we meant to the church and that he wants us to come back.  We were close to tears. 

I also was close to tears when Nathan (who had been holding my extra sticky bun), told me that it had been sitting on the table in the lobby and before he could stop him, the hotel person cleaned up and threw it away!!  

When family time was over, we got our luggage together, headed to the airport to get through security and wait for our flight at 10:25.  A couple of hours later, we landed in Charleston!!  Home sweet home!  And I kept Dave's hat safe! 

It was an awesome trip and we saw how God is working in the lives of the people in Macas and Shimpis.  Yes, I am glad to be home; but I am also ready to go back!  I was given lots of jewelry, so I pray I will be able to return!


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