Well, I did it! I finished my marathon. It was a good experience and I am glad I did it. Negatives of today would be that I couldn't sleep last night and it was windy. Positives of today were more :) The wind could have been much worse! And when it wasn't blowing, the weather was perfect. Sunny and not too hot or cold. And there were some really pretty things to look at. Downtown at the Battery; Cooper River Marina; and Riverfront Park were my favorites. But the most beautiful thing I saw today was North Charleston High School...right beside the finish line!
I think the main reason I did this was to challenge myself. And it was enjoyable. Yes, my knees are very achy; and my rear end muscles are, well, making it hard to walk! But by tomorrow I should feel better. A little better :)
What I saw on the run that did not involve scenery were some interesting things. Groups of people running together at a speed I cannot maintain at mile 14! Superheros running...especially Superman in an authentic outfit (yikes!). One lady was running in a long dress, hat and carrying a parasol. And my favorite was the UVA runner that was way ahead of the two VA Tech fans! Of course I was behind them all :) And then I met a man who was running this marathon as his 27th state marathon. Wow! And around me I saw people like me...enduring and persevering and even struggling to finish. We were stopping at drink stations and then taking off again. We would walk a few steps and then start running again. And we ran over the finish line! Fortunately I ran and didn't crawl, limp, or walk :) Limping now, but not then! As my medal says, I was a finisher! Yeah!!
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