I have had this post in my head for several weeks now and am finally getting around to writing it out. I think if I could have some device in my head that wrote what I thought (or at least what I purposefully put in a blog thought area of my brain), I would have a lot more posts :) But alas, I am stuck with typing!
But on to my topic...baseball! This was the season I was looking forward to and dreading. After years of Nathan having ball practice and games all on Saturdays, we moved to weeknight games a few seasons ago. But then it became Camden's turn to play t-ball and we had to give up our Saturdays again! And I couldn't help but look to the future of having games all the time and constantly being at the ball field and driving one boy to one field and the other to another, and, well you get the picture.
Of course it is fun to watch your child play ball. Nathan has really gotten better this year. He had started pitching in the fall on another team, but when he was was put on this team for the spring, the coach had his pitchers already. But Nathan got the courage up to ask him for a chance to pitch and was given that chance. Not to go on and on, but at the Championship game, Nathan was the most consistent pitcher and didn't let anyone score on his watch. He either struck them out or threw them out. It was nerve racking to watch, but he did great. And did I mention the Championship game?!?! They won! Last spring he was also on a winning team, but the team was so good, and Nathan was one of the youngest, and it didn't seem like he did much. But this year, he was a major contributor to the winning season!!
Nathan putting on his pitching serious face
Playing third
So I have my one son that will keep us busy with ball for many seasons; but will Camden follow in his footsteps? Well he hasn't yet! He was all excited about playing t-ball, but I think he thought it was for one game. He didn't realize that you had to keep going back. And for him, this actually meant the first practice. By the first game he was really over it. He would stand at the fence and ask me if it was time to go home. But he did improve and finally started standing on the field. He tried to go for a few balls, but usually a girl got it first! Oh well! He also learned that you run to first base first and not after the ball that you hit toward the pitcher. At practice he led many astray in this running pattern! He did like his trophy at the end and now that the season is over, he says he wants to play again. He really likes wearing his uniform shirt and hat! I think, though, we will try soccer in the fall. He likes to run so maybe that will be the sport for him...or maybe not! You never know with Camden.
Yes, that is the way you run!
Nathan was a big help in getting Camden to stay on the field
Getting a hit
Finally getting to run home
His one time playing first...he got to get the ball!
Camden and his friend Benjamin..they always have fun together!
Are we done yet?!? Well, almost!
Must I say it...The End!
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