Well, our last day in NC began with Nathan not feeling well; so off to Target to get some meds. I figured it was just being tired and having a cold, so we drove to the USS North Carolina to tour the battleship. But after getting a view of the outside, we decided that Nathan did not feel well enough. So we hit the road and started driving down the coast toward Ft Fisher. Before we reached there, however, we stopped at Carolina Beach State Park to look for Venus flytraps. Having no good ideas of what I was looking for, and Nathan wanting to go back to the car, we had no luck.
So back to the car. No stopping at Fort Fisher, but after another ferry ride, we ate lunch and walked around the little town of Southport. It is an awesome little town with lots of neat stores. I really need to spend more time there.
The Ferry ride
After leaving Southport, Nathan did feel up to stopping a the Museum of Coastal Carolina in Ocean Isle. It is a small museum, but the boys really loved the touch tank and the fish nibbling on their fingers.
Enough "education" for the day...we went putt putting next! It was funny watching Camden's "swing" and then his moving of his ball to right near the hole. After hitting it the first time, he would pick it up. Nathan would tell him to put it down. Camden would then put it down right near the hole. Nathan would tell him to put it down at another place, but Camden would reply that he did not want to; he wanted to put it here. I was laughing too much to make him play right! We stopped keeping score!
Well, all good things must come to an end. And we had to really head home with only a stop for dinner in Pawley's Island. It was a fun getaway. And yes, Nathan has already asked for a trip to Colorado to ski when we do the CO book. Maybe...
Glad y'all enjoyed it. We love that area too. Have fun in CO!