I have recently re-watched Mr. Holland's Opus. It is without question one of my all time favorite movies. I know the characters in no way give God much thought, but the whole focus of the movie is on priorities and Mr. Holland makes the right choices; even if he doesn't always want to. And even when he has to be taught the right choices when it comes to his deaf son, he gets it right eventually. I think I cry every time the end of the movie happens and he sees that even though he was "only" a teacher and did not do "great" things, he touched the lives of so many people. I have the soundtrack to the movie and will sometimes tear up just listening to his Opus!
I got the soundtrack to the movie for one reason, though, and it is a Beetles song. I am not a Beetles fan. The main thing I know of them is that they all lived in a yellow submarine holding hands; but I really like the song Beautiful Boy that John Lennon wrote for his son. I originally bought it for my beautiful boy Nathan, but have since been blessed with two beautiful boys! The song states that "life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans." I interpret that to mean that we can get so busy planning things and making plans for the future that we miss out on life as it happens. That is something for me to remember.
Being all boy!
My beautiful boys having fun
Mr. Holland's life did happen for him while he planned for his songwriting career. During that life he touched the lives of many people, including, eventually, his son. I hope and pray that when I retire, not that you can ever retire from being a mom :), I will be able to look back and see that my life touched others; especially that I am a positive influence on my beautiful boys.
I love that movie ~ not only because it has deaf people with sign lang in it; but the story itself is so well put together ~ love that song too, Amy! :)